Sunday, January 31, 2010

Takdir Ilahi

Asalamualaikum wbt.

Takdir Ilahi...
Sangat besar makna itu...
Tak dapat disangkal...
Tak dapat diubah...
Tak dapat dipinda...
Hanya boleh menerima...
Dengan hati yang tabah...
Dengan redha dihati...
Kerana semua itu telah tertulis...
Di awal asal kejadian...
Sebagai hamba yang mengenali...
Redha menjadi teman sejati....

Bukan tok mengingkari...
Bukan tok melupakan janji....
Bukan tok menipu diri...
Tapi takdir Ilahi itu...
Kita sendiri yang terima...
Tok terima segala...
Bek jodoh pertemuan...
Rezeki hidup...
Ajal dan maut...
Semua itu kita yang terima...
Mengapa hendak mengungkit lagi...
Mengapa mengeluh lagi...
Mungkin terasa berat tok memikul...
Tapi percaya...
Yang Esa takkan menguji hambaNYA...
Andai hamba itu tidak mampu menerima...
Kerana itu...
Dia lah Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang kepada hambaNYA...

Manusia itu memang tamak...
Tak cukup dengan satu...
Mesti ada yang kedua...
Begitu juga denganku....
Kuingin pinta sesuatu...
Sekali lagi meminta...
Kerana kuhanya hamba yang lemah...
Serba serbi lemah...
Kutidak tahu apa harus kulakukan...
Kutidak nampak jalan penyelesaian...
Ya ALLAH ya Tuhanku...
Dengan rahmat dan petunjukMU...
Berilah jawapan pada persoalan diriku...
Andai masih ada pilihan untuk diriku...
Kuingin memilih sekali lagi...
Kutamak dengan pemberianMU...
tapi diriku hanya insan biasa...
KepadaMU aku kembali...
Berilah petunjukMu kepadaku...
Kukehilangan arah tuju tika ini......

Insan Kesesatan,

Thursday, January 28, 2010

How to correct it back...

Asalamualaikum wbt.

How to begin....
It is the same story again...
The same feeling that I feel...
The same thing I want to say...
I don't know how to say it but...
I'm tired with all of this...
I want to stop it...
But I don't know how to stop it...

As usual...
It was a mistake that I made...
The thing that I shouldn't make..
As a human being...
I cannot change the fact...
I, a human that will always make mistake...
How to correct it back...
How to change the fact...
That I have made a mistake...
How to correct it back...
Can anyone...
Help me with this thing...
I don't know what to do...

Because of my mistake...
I hurt you...
I didn't mean to hurt you...
It is my destiny...
It is my way of life...
That will keep hurting you...
Hope there is a way...
To stop all of this...
It hurt me as well...
When see your heart hurt...
By my mistake...
Wish I can correct back all my mistake...
I will give everything that belong to me...
As long as you will happy...
I don't want to hurt you...
I hope that I can stop all of this...
And correct back my mistake...
Correct back for what I have done...
I'm sorry...
Really sorry...
To include you...
In this pity life of me...
I'm sorry...
Wish that...
I can correct back all my mistake to you...

This heart feel hurt,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Now, where am I??

Asalamualaikum wbt.

Em... where am I now??
I don't know..
Do u know where am I??
Can u tell me...
I don't know la...
Where am I...
Am I at the house...
or at the campus??
Which one is it??
Can anyone tell me...
Whoever can tell me...
A kiss as a present...
Anyone interested...
Please answer my question first ok...
I do not know where am I...
So please help me ok...
Tell me...
Answer my question...
Where am I now??????

Loss Person,

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Should I go or...

Asalamualaikum wbt.

What should I do...
Should I stay...
Or Should I leave...
I hate to think about this...
It make my head cramp...
Hate to think a lot...
Like old peoples...
But what can I do about it...
What should I do about it...

I hate this world...
Even I want to leave this world...
It still the same question...
Should I do it...
Or not..
Very difficult la idup ni...

Hate tho think,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Don't know what to feel...

Asalamualaikum wbt.

Em I don't know what to feel...
It is hurt...
In this little heart...
Don't want it to be like that...
I don't want it to like that...
I hate it...
When it happens like that...
Should I leave this world...
Or what...
I don't know what to feel...
I don't know what to say...
It hurt me...
It hurt this heart...
Can you live with me like this...
Can you live this kind of life...
Can you...
I need an answer...
Because my heart is hurt...
Very hurt....
I'm sorry...
For what I have did....
Don't mean it to be like this...
I'm sorry...
Forgive me for what has happens...
Forgive me...
Hope we will meet again next time...
If there is next time.....

It hurt me a lot,

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Another Year to go thorugh.... sigh...

Asalamualaikum wbt.

Em... new year come again...
And for this year...
My age will be 22...
So long I have live in this world...
People... when new year come...
They always make a pact...
Why they do it...
What is so important about...
Talking about people...
Same goes to me...
I also made a pact to myself...
A pact...
Which actually very hard to do it....
Why should I made that pact...
It will be easier for me if there are no pact in my life...
Since there was a mistake I made...
Big mistake that I should not done...
By this pact...
I hope... and believe...
This new year will give me strength to keep my pact...
I hope so...

And goes same to blog...
Bla bla bla n bla...
So many things I want to talk...
Never want to shut up this big mouth...
Always want to tell a story...
Always want to say it here...
Why don't u say it directly to the person u want to talk with...
Why this blog be the place I want to tell everything...

U already made a pact...
I will not tell the pact...
I will keep it in my heart...
That is all what I should do...
Do what u already promised...
Do whatever u want to do this year...
Do more and say less....
Enough is enough...
New year 2010...
I come and I hope this year will give good hope to me...

Person that want to believe,